August 26, 2013

Are You Kidding Me?

In response to numerous people (mostly parents) about Miley Cyrus' performance on the VMA's last night:

1. If you allow YOUR young children to watch MTV and then expect it to be Hannah Montana, you're an idiot. YOU are responsible for what you and your children watch, not the media. You were not watching Sprout at 6am on a Saturday. Take some personal responsibility and use your common sense.

2. Miley Cyrus hasn't been the sparkling little Disney princess Hannah Montana in years. People change, they make mistakes,they get photographed smoking pot or awkwardly attempt to twerk with Robin Thicke. It's called growing up. Give her a break.

3. I knew a lot of you when you were her age, which is 20 by the way, and trust me, you weren't all bathed in white robes and rosary beads while respecting authority and smiling nicely.

Now, did I enjoy her performance? No. I found it awkward, without merit or rhythm and don't ever need to see a foam finger again. However it is not the media's responsibility to censor things to YOUR standards for YOUR family.

"But you don't have kids, Balls, you don't understand". No, I don't have kids, but I do have at least half a brain. I guaran-damn-tee you that when I do have kids and they are under the age of...well, late puberty... they wouldn't be watching the VMA's or any other trash found on MTV under my roof.

Don't like it? Think it may not be suitable for your 5 year old? Don't freaking watch it and go find something that actually matters to complain about.

Oh, and I forgot about one more.

4. If you were watching the VMAs instead of Breaking Bad, you're automatically someone I can't associate with. That is all.

Happy Monday,

August 21, 2013

I Quit

It's what I do.

I'm passionate, and strong willed, and I have such great drive. Unfortunately those ideas and dreams are like fireworks rather than fires lit under my ass. They aren't even like the good fireworks on the 4th of July while "God Bless America" is playing. My fireworks are like sparklers lit while listening to the sounds of children crying "look at me!".

I like to say it's part of my charm or my childlike enthusiasm for life. But it's not. It's flighty and frustrating for everyone. Myself included. I make plans and then lose enthusiasm for them by the time they come around. I make promises to friends I don't keep. I forget to return calls or texts or follow up on that lunch date with a long lost someone.

I can't even commit to things I enjoy. Writing is one of those things, volunteering is one of those things, volleyball is another and possibly the only thing in the past year I stuck to for any length of time (until my shoulder crapped out on me).

I made the promise to myself almost a year ago to do a list of 30 things before I turned 30. I didn't even go back before starting this post to see how many I actually completed and I'm not going to fool myself into adding one more and making it a 31 things to do before I turn 31. I'm just going to let it be.

There is no major revelation coming at the end of this post. No big Ah Ha!  moment. Just a post to inspire myself, or guilt myself, into being a better person. A long rambling list of nothingness lighting a sparkler and hoping it becomes the fuse to some amazing fireworks.

Goodnight and wish me luck!
