June 17, 2015

Wednesday, June 17

Last night, as you all know by my facebook post, I was not in a good place. I cried multiple times, and generally felt exhausted physically, emotionally and spiritually. I wasn't sure how much more I could give. But I filled up on love from my friends, and I (thank the universe) woke up this morning with a new attitude. Well, at least 75% of a new attitude. And if you know me well, that's about as good as it gets. lol.

So today started like any other, we left a group behind in Heart Butte to run the kids camp, and I took the other students and 2 Chaperone's to Browning to more established programs. Well for the second day in a row, kids just didn't show up in Heart Butte. So change of plan, we brought everyone in to Browning. Then we needed Joe's help to get them all back this afternoon in time for horseback riding, which was then cancelled due to rain. So needless to say, today did not go well. We also had canceled our cook for tonight because of horseback riding, so we were fending for ourselves for dinner.

So here we are with 18 hungry volunteers and no cook, and they're all sad and wet. Thankfully one of the chaperones loves to cook and was very good at it! She whipped up some pasta and sauce, and squash cooked with bacon and maple syrup (which I had little faith in but was actually delicious) and some English muffin garlic bread and it was a delicious meal. To top it off, I happened to find some "just add water" brownie mix in the cupboard that belonged to the church - so I borrowed that and made them some well deserved brownies as well.

Now, since my boss and various other Global Volunteers staff are friends of mine on facebook, I must acknowledge that it is against our policy to provide brownies, and for that I am sorry. But not really because my team needed a pick-me-up and so did I. So if I have to replace those brownies out of my own pocket, so be it! lol.

The day ended with Monopoly and Life and a real sense of family and community here in our little bubble of a church. Some tensions faded away from those carrying them, and we found some harmony.

Now, if the rain will just stay away tomorrow, we can get on those horses! I'm 2 for 2 on missed horseback riding opportunities!

Love from Montana, and even a few smiles,



  1. Glad things are looking up. Love and miss you.I love hearing about your days in Montana.

  2. A box of brownie mix eh??? I think we've all been in this difficult position at some time.As we say at Global Volunteers "a hungry volunteer is an unhappy volunteer"! You took the initiative , made a bad situation into a "sweeter" situation .....way to go Lindsey!! You're forgiven!
